Hey Guys!

Nishil Hedaoo
1 min readMay 6, 2021

Welcome to my first blog. I am actually quite nervous and confused as to why on earth I am writing a blog. Rather it took a pandemic for me to create a blog. LOL.

Now something about Me!

I am Nishil your host 😛 and in the age of VLogs and Media Content were everyone has their phone and Youtube, Blogs is something too old school Just like Dr Dre and Snoop Dogs but still the OGs!. Yes Blogs are OGs and revisiting them or infact penning your thoughts feels just better than picking up your phone and just keep Vloging.

I don’t know if I am gonna keep blogging everyday or just by seeing the numbers I’ll stop, I have no Clue.

But there would be many things that the blogs will contain Such as Personal Finance, Productivity, Start-ups, Technology, and Also Google’s Platform For watching Videos.

I’ll see you guys tomorrow if incase the virus doesn’t hit me brrrr.



